Saturday 24 November 2012

Tough Times and Trials

There are so many times in our lives where we have the ability to pull a good thing from a bad situation.  I have friends who are doing it tough, and things are rather hard with their youngest child being sick an awful lot. But we all see that it's going to be better in the future. It doesn't make it any easier in the mean time. The older kids are babysat often, and it gets difficult for them too, but it's still better than being in the hospital having to be quiet, which can be very difficult when you're younger than six.

My fiance and I have been through soooooo much. We have wisdom to surpass others in similar situations, and we still believe that it's all worth it. It's for the kids. It's for us. Family. We are worth it. It's really nice to see people around us who are also so family oriented. But we are seriously glad for the break every other week too. What I would really like though, is an actual break. No work, no housework, no responsibility for a day. But oh well. I signed up for this 7 years ago when I was pregnant with my first, and then again with my second, and again when I started a new relationship with someone who already had kids. Do I regret having kids? Not at all. Do I wonder if it would have been easier if I'd done it all later in life? No doubt. But I cannot change it, so accepting it is the only way to go.

While in a financial situation that isn't all that pleasant, you learn how to be tight. With a tough situation with sick kids, you learn to persevere. While juggling both these things, you eventually learn to be forward thinking and organised. I know I've picked this up faster than others have, but whatever happened to being spontaneous? Seems hardly fair that you can't be, even when the kids aren't at home.

My words to those facing anything like this?
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." (James 1:2, 3 NIV)
It may seem never ending, it may always lurk in the background. But, know that everything that happens now will make you stronger, with higher tolerance of things to come. The wisdom you can carry to another going through the same will be immeasurable.
You have strength enough for this.

Yes, YOU have strength enough for this.

Monday 12 November 2012

Short and sweet.

So, it's off week again. I'm sitting in the Hobart office, so bored that I've re-read my entire blog, and wondered where I was a year ago. It's nice to catch up with myself. Things that have changed for the better, and maybe for the worse. The financial situation gets tighter, but I have come to realise that this is because of my partner and his insecurities. Having less than $100 in his bank account makes him panic. Whereas my personal opinion is if there's more than $20 in my account, I'm jumping for joy! For me, it's normally all gone by the Friday that I have the girls. This is okay with me, because I have finished my week with the kids by then. I won the weekend argument with my ex. I have the girls for a whole weekend starting Saturday mornings. It's for the better of the kids too. There are so many benefits.