Thursday 17 May 2012

Hump days....

Bit of an up-in-the-air day today. Nothing really note-worthy happened, yet here I am, posting like I've got something important to say. But I don't.

I've realised that Wednesday is the best day for me to argue. I seem to have realised that on Wednesdays, I wait until my partner gets home, or to where ever I am, and I lay it on thick. I complain about his driving more when we go out, and generally have a go about something and get shirty. But why?

I've been doing an Alpha course for the past 10 weeks, and while it has helped me discover some amazing things that I haven't really taken notice of before, it really has become a huge strain on my week to week life. On my week with the kids, it's difficult, because I have to make sure everything is ready so I can go out at 7pm, and on the week that I don't have the kids, I've already been so busy, that all I want to do is go home to bed.

Wednesday's are hump day for people who work, people who have kids at school etc, but I'm struggling to keep it together by the time I get to it. On one week, I've been out all day, and helping at the school uniform shop, and on the other week, I've dropped my eldest at school, my youngest at daycare, and it's the last time we see the boys for the rest of the fortnight.

I think, to my disgust, even after cutting a lot of the helping out others that I have been over doing in my life, I find that I'm still too busy too keep up with myself, and I'm exhausted. The stress is beginning to me more than just too much, and I need a break.


In two weeks, my partner and I are going to Melbourne for a one week - kid free holiday. Hopefully, this has enough down time to cure the extra stress....?

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